Tuesday, November 21, 2017

The Presentation of Mary

Paralleling the Presentation of the Lord on February 2nd, the Presentation of Mary, though based on the story in the ProtoEvangelium of St. James, is one of the 12 Major Feasts in the Eastern Church, was introduced into the Roman Church in the Middle Ages, and as Marists has particular interest for us. We imitate Mary's total dedication to God, symbolized by this presentation, which enabled her (and us) to accept with her resounding FIAT, (Be It Done Unto Me) to the invitation to be the Mother of Jesus. As such, she was eventually proclaimed Mother of the Church by Blessed Paul VI, three days after the conclusion of the Second Vatican Council. As Marists, we look upon Mary as our First Superior and Ordinary Resource; she is our Mother too, in a special way. She nourishes us by drawing us always closer to her Son, and guides us in our mission to make her Son known and loved.
As St. Marcellin  put it, "She has done everything for us."  We accompany her today as she is presented in the Temple, remembering that we are Temples of the Holy Spirit, whose doors are open to the students we teach and those with whom we work, and invite them to enter and share the blessings of being part of the House of God.  As we list those things for which we are grateful and will celebrate on Thanksgiving, may we include Mary our Good Mother and Mother of the Church as one of them.
Bro. Rene

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