Friday, November 17, 2017

Losing Life To Save It

A Paradox:  ""Whoever seeks to preserve his life will lose it, but whoever loses it, will save it." (Lk 17: 33). At first glance, this doesn't make sense, but squeezed through the filter of experience, it makes a lot of sense.  "Life" is often understood as fun, fame, freedom to do "whatever feels good," but as time goes on, this approach is less and less satisfying, and eventually comes to a dead end. Truth to tell, separating ourselves from our material possessions or positions of control or power brings more peace that we can imagine; losing our SELVES in the service of others, and certainly of God, brings a deep and lasting joy that carries us through the worst of trials.
St. Elizabeth of Hungary learned this in her short life; she lost her husband after six years of a happy marriage, was ostracized from the court when she refused to remarry, but gained great peace and happiness in giving  her wealth to feed the poor as well as to build a hospital that was readily accessible to them. She even worked there herself. In divesting herself of the trappings of the royal court, she found an new "court" and true.  She brought joy and health to others by :"losing her life" and such a degree of holiness that four years after her death, she was declared a saint.  May she help us lose what's holding us back from following in her footsteps.
Bro. Rene

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