Saturday, November 18, 2017

Do We Give Up Too Soon?

In our day of high speed internet and just about everything else, we've become "spoiled", as our whining underscores our impatience when cyber or auto traffic slows down our operations or brings them to a halt.  It's not wonder, then, that this attitude carries over to our prayer life.  When we hear Jesus tell us "to pray always without becoming weary," (Lk 18:1)  we can't digest it.  We immediately think that the answer is NO, or that God simply doesn't hear us.  Not a new phenomenon; people have experienced this for centuries.. St. Augustine offers some consoling advice:  God sometimes DELAYS his response so that our prayer might become more fervent, or that in spending more time with him without results, we come to know him better, and through this knowledge, come to love him more, a result more desirable than the answer to our prayer.  Such time spent with Jesus also teaches us more patience and more acceptance of God's plan, and helps us mature to a greater level of trust and faith in him.  In the end, whether or not our prayer is answered the way and when we want, we are blessed by the experience.  The message:  Don't give up too soon...or even better.  DON'T GIVE UP AT ALL!.
Bro. Rene

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