Sunday, November 12, 2017

Keeping Our Lamps Full

The Parable of the Wise and Foolish Virgins, (Mt 25: 11-13) appears in the same chapter as "the Last Judgement" when the sheep are separated from the goats. The Wise Virgins and the sheep are rewarded and the Foolish Virgins and goats receive no commendation nor reward.  It is clear that the goats deserve their punishment, for they did none of the things, such as feeding the hungry, sheltering the homeless, etc., that the sheep did  It would seem that the Foolish Virgins were just irresponsible, and distracted from their mission, but one writer suggests that like many of us, they were so busy helping others that they neglected to keep an eye on their own oil and thus were running on empty when the bridegroom arrived.  This is perhaps a pertinent, if not as grim" a warning to "do-gooders" or victims of a "messiah complex" to be careful and to balance their good deeds with time to replenish their oil supply.  The best example of the Wise Virgin is the Blessed Virgin, who, obviously had a full lamp when Gabriel approached her with the proposal to be the  Mother of God.  How else could she have so readily agreed?
Each week we have one day set aside for an "oil fill," and this is it:  Sunday.  May we be wise enough to fill up and be ready for the Bridegroom when he calls.
Bro, Rene 

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