Saturday, November 25, 2017

Reflecting On Our Resurrection

We continue to pray for the "souls of the faithful departed"  even after the joy of being with family over Thanksgiving, for the WHOLE month of November is dedicated to them.  We most likely remembered deceased family members, especially those who died in the past year, as we prayed before our meal, and today's Gospel about life after death brings to mind our own future. Jesus was clear about resurrection and certainly his own was the definitive model for what awaits us.  As we get older, "the end" becomes more of a reality, as we see more and more of our family, friends, and colleagues leave us, for what we say at wakes or in eulogies, "a better place."  Today we might reflect on our own limited time and the glory of the resurrection, the new and fuller life, that awaits us.  Such a reflection will help us to put "things' in perspective and to realize that the invitation of Jesus, "Come to me all who labor and are heavy burdened, and I will give you rest," (Mt 11:28) is meant for NOW, not just at the end of our life.
Bro. Rene

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