Sunday, October 11, 2015

Yearning For Something Deeper

Today's Gospel story of the Rich Young Man (Mk 10: 17-30) touches a chord in all of us.  He kept the commandments, was a good person, but still was unsatisfied.  Just doing the basics was not enough, he yearned for something deeper, causing him to run to Jesus and seek counsel from him.  Jesus was touched by his sincerity and looked lovingly at him, seeing that goodness in his soul, as we often do when we meet sincere and genuine people.  Wanting to help him in his search, Jesus was very specific:  sell his goods, give the profit to the poor and follow him.  Sadness filled the man and he turned from Jesus, a prisoner of his "many possessions." 
Jesus invites us, if we are searching for MORE, to do the same, but in our world so occupied with THINGS, we might be finding it as hard, or even harder to "let go" of them, give to the poor and follow Jesus.   When I approach young men or women about considering the consecrated life, their plans for the future are their "possessions."  No room even to consider changing them to help the poor by following Jesus more closely.  All of us, consecrated religious or not, are invited to sift through our things, our wealth to help the poor, and thus follow Jesus more intimately.  Can we find the courage to do so,  and find that deeper relationship, peace and happiness for which we yearn, or would we rather go on iving with our sadness, and yes, even emptiness?
Bro. Rene

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