Monday, October 12, 2015

Searching The Heart

As we celebrate Columbus Day today, the theme of searching seems to be appropriate.  The journey in those three small ships was not easy, not at all, and the crew attempted to mutiny more than once so they could give up the quest and return to the comfort of Spain.  Columbus coaxed them on by asking for a little time more..."Give me three more days."  In the end it paid off.
We pray in Psalm 139:23, "Search me, my God, and know my heart, test me and know my concerns."  This is as powerful and as scary an adventure as faced Columbus and his sailors.  Do we really want God to "go there"?  Do we really want God to test us?  Won't we rebel, want to turn back and not be discovered, or not discover what's in the core of our being?  Yet, if we benefit when others reveal things they see in us, and are grateful for their insights, how much more would God's insight help us?  He alone knows us and, to boot, accepts us as we are.  He loves us and his love should encourage us to open up completely to him and allow his Spirit to point gently to areas of strength and areas of weakness.  If we want to change, if change is needed, whose help can better guide us.  Yes, search me Lord God, and help me to grow in self-understanding and become more like you.
Bro. Rene.

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