Friday, October 23, 2015

The Year of Fourviere

In preparation for the 200th anniversary of the founding of the Little Brothers of Mary, now recognized as the Marist Brothers of the Schools, three years prior to 2017 have been designated to recall key moments that contributed to our origins:  the encounter with Jean-Baptiste Montagne, the dying 17 year-old which prompted immediate action from St. Marcellin; the Fourviere Pledge made by 12 newly ordained priests, which became the foundation of the Society of Mary; and finally,  the establishment of the first community at LaValla.  This is the Year of the Fourviere Pledge, commemorating the sincere promise to begin a Society of priests, sisters, brothers and lay people as four branches of the larger Society of Mary.  As time passed and due to Rome's intervention, the envisioned society became four separate ones, who all kept the name Marist.  The lay component, The Third Order of Mary, is under the auspices of the Marist Fathers, but their place among the Marist Brothers is evolving at a growing pace since the inception of The Marist Family Movement in the 80's. More and more lay collaboration is becoming the norm as the number of Marist Brothers, especially in the First World, diminishes.   Taking on the charism and spirit of St. Marcellin, these lay people have picked up the mission and have begun to run with it with the vigor and energy of youth. The Year of Fourviere will lend itself to greater understanding of their role in the Marist Mission and participation in it.  It is like a second founding, hence we celebrate and rejoice that the vision of St. Marcellin is guaranteed a long, effective future.
Bro. Rene

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