Sunday, October 25, 2015

God Is Calling Me

Even though I might feel overwhelmed with demands of family, work and my own self-imposed expectations, or just tired from routine and lack of stimulation in what I do for a living, if I stop and realize what blessings I do have, and who is giving them, I might hear the voice of God calling me to a deeper level with him.
I once saw a tall, strong-looking teenage boy slump and sleep during Mass, oblivious to the mystery into which he is called to participate.  He was in church because his mother and father made him come, but he was blind to the why and what of the Mass.  I am that boy, at times, "sleeping" through the day where beauty surrounds me, or the call the help  others invites me to wake up and come alive.  How patient God is with me, as he calls most of the time, gently, but occasionally, startlingly, so that I hear the call loudly and clearly. Our Sabbath day, when in theory we take time for God and for self, is an opportunity for me to hear God's call, to rise up,  ask, "Lord, what do YOU want me to do?" and respond with the generosity and energy his love for me and in me makes possible.
Bro. Rene

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