Wednesday, October 14, 2015

Missing the Point

The sharp eye and tongue of Jesus catch and challenge the Pharisees and scholars of the law who have missed the point in their religious observances and let minute observances of the law keep them from hitting the target on what really matters.  They pay tithes on herbs, but ignore love for God.  They love instead greetings in the market place and seats of honor in the synagogues. The place burdens on others but duck for carrying them themselves. 
If we look carefully at our own behavior, we qualify for a scolding ourselves.  We can so easily slip into self-righteousness or justify our crassness by excusing our bad behavior to fatigue or busyness.  Indeed, the Pharisee lives on in each of us. The remedy would be to admit our faults and like the Publican ask for mercy, express our desire to get back on track and humbly request the grace to do so.  Without God's help, we might easily miss the point again.
Bro. Rene

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