Saturday, March 22, 2014

How Far Does Mercy Go?

There is no mercy like the mercy the "merciful father" showed to his prodigal son. Have you ever met a person like this all-forgiving man? No, because he is the story image of God the Father, who is Mercy. BUT, we can strive to be like him and aim at his high-set bar.
There was a bishop in ancient Carthage in the tumultuous times of the Vandal invasions and the Arian Heresy, who reigned only three years, but made dramatic moves to live out the call to be merciful.  We now know him as St. Deogratias, a name not familiar in the United States, but common in Rwanda.  He sold all his possessions so that he could build housing for the Christians who had arrived in Carthage because of  the sacking of Rome. As if this were not enough, he went further, and turned two large churches into shelters for  refugees. He used all resources possible to show mercy in a very tangible way.
Today, many organizations around the world do the same:  Christian Relief Services, Marist Brothers International Mission Services, Habitat for Humanity, and organizations in local areas such as Lazarus House in Lawrence, Massachusetts.  These continue the work of St. "Deo" and follow the example of the :"Merciful Father."  They warrant our support, our participation (as a Lenten activity) and our prayers.
Bro. Rene

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