Friday, March 7, 2014

False Fasting vs True Fasting

Fridays in Lent are days of abstinence, that is, no meat but not necessarily a days of fasting, when we refrain from eating between meals, and really eat only one full meal, with two lesser meals in the course of the day.  Fasting can also mean the things or activities we give up:  our favorite TV show, alcohol, tobacco, chocolate. etc.  The idea is that we create a hunger for a closer friendship with Jesus, we create time and space to develop that relationship, for example, by replacing the hour of that TV show with quiet prayer, silent prayer, reflective reading of the Bible or a good spiritual book.  Isaiah warns us not to go through the mechanics of fasting but then act obnoxiously toward others, even quarreling or fighting with them.  He warns us not to feel entitled to a reward for fasting; we are not manipulating God by fasting. It's not "I do this" so you "must do that." No, it's to make us more like God in a very tangible way.  Isaiah describes it very bluntly:  This, rather, is the fasting that I wish:/ releasing those bound unjustly,/ untying the thongs of the yoke;/ Setting free the oppressed,/ breaking very yoke;/ Sharing your bread with the hungry,/ sheltering the homeless;/ Clothing the naked when you see them,/ not turning your back on your own. (Is 58: 6-8).

Lord, purify my motives for fasting and abstinence; help me to put Isaiah's advice into action this Lent.
Bro. Rene

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