Sunday, March 9, 2014


After fasting for 40 days in the desert, the Matthew tells us that Jesus was hungry, (Mt 4:2) more likely "famished" as one translation has it. His was a physical hunger, but indeed, his spirit had been so fed and strengthened by his prayer and fasting that he was able to dismiss the three temptations posed by Satan with clear and decisive dispatch.  He was certainly not "famished" spiritually.
However, we might have come to Lent spiritually famished, and need these days to fill up what is wanting in us, lest we fall prey to the Tempter, who scores his greatest wins when we are tired or spiritually empty.  Our resistance is low, as when an Energizer batter finally runs down. It is then that the Evil One can run circles around us, run us over, flatten us.  It is then when we are vulnerable and susceptible to "giving in".  We can rationalize that we are tired and need the boost, which can be provided by a temporary "fix", or that we "deserve a little fun or pleasure" because we have been working so hard.  Worse:  "Oh, this is not a sin, everybody's doing it these days.  Come on, get with it." It is then that we need to look at the cross, or a holy card of Jesus, or touch our do something to remind us of who we are and what Jesus has done for us.  Spending time with him, slaking our hunger on HIM rather than on what he Tempter presents to us is what our 40 days in the desert are about.
Bro. Rene

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