Sunday, December 15, 2013

Patience, People

St. James urges us to follow the example of the farmer who plows, sows, cultivates, waters and waits for the seeds to sprout, and bear fruit for the harvest, but the more into technology we go, the less patient we are, for we have been teased into believing that everything should respond instantly at the push of a key pad, the touch of a screen or (even old-fashioned now), the touch of a button. I'm practicing patience in coming to write this morning's slice of bread as my computer was not responding and I spent 20 minutes awaiting what now is a brief moment to complete this.  How about the automated phone system employed by so many: we forever press one, say "yes" a zillion times, and in the end take 5 to ten minutes for a call or order that with a person could have taken two minutes.  Or how about the red light that "never changes", of the hot water that takes forever to come from the basement.  No, we are not patient.  How can we be when all these time saving inventions really add more time to everything? Yet James urges us to be patient and not to grumble.  Let's be patient with ourselves and our slow progress.  Eventually it will come.
Bro. Rene

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