The Alleluia Chorus from Handel's Messiah resounds with the phrase King of Kings and Lord of Lords, repeated over and over sending chills up one's spine. The Sunday before Advent is dedicated to Christ the King. Pilate asked Jesus, "Are you the King of the Jews?" Jesus responded "You say correctly, I am a king." (Jn 18: 33,37).
Our sixth "O" antiphon focuses on the kingship of Jesus, who is also the desire of nations and the cornerstone which holds us creatures of clay together. He is the foundation for unity in a world divided. Our freedom of will, our freedom of choice and thought, as good as they are, can separate us from each other. Even the closest married couples often clash and have to talk things out until an agreement is reached. Our tendency as humans is to take opposite sides: you say white, I say black. Irritating, to say the least when it is a pattern. It seems that only in Jesus can differences, small and large, can be settled. More than just a helpless babe in a manger, the King of Kings is THE ruler, the answer, if we choose to let him. Come, Lord Jesus, bind us into one.
Bro. Rene
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