As it falls this year, our 5th "O" Antiphon, O Rising Dawn, falls on the "shortest day" (shortest daylight), the Winter Solstice, and speaks to us of Light and illumination.. Winter officially begins today, but the earth will start its trajectory north as it revolves around the sun and the days will be getting longer. Darkness will slowly dissipate, much to the relief of those of us who hate driving to and from work in the dark. Humankind longs for the light of day and spiritually we long for the illumination that only the Rising Dawn, the Sun of Justice, Jesus Christ and give us.
Christmas is less than a week away and the pressure of getting ready, last minute shopping and baking, card sending, wrapping of presents increases. Only a few can boast of having all their cards sent and shopping done. The majority of us need the next few days to finish. Our tunnel of darkness will continue till all is done. Perhaps we've been neglecting the time we hoped to devote to our Advent Prayer, as we rush toward the finish line. What needs to be done must be done and will get done, but let us not sacrifice the most important piece of preparation: our souls, our relationship with Jesus. Let us try to match our last minute dash with a last minute push to relish the miracle of the incarnation and the presence of the Son of God among us. We owe it to ourselves, and above all, to him! Christ, be our Light, shine in our hearts, shine in the darkness that hides us from you..
Bro. Rene
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