Saturday, June 13, 2020

The Wonder Worker

Christians of many denominations honor St. Anthony of Padua as the "Finder of Lost Objects". It is amazing that after a short prayer to him, the missing object inevitably appears. However, Anthony's real ministry and fame were centered on his dynamic preaching, often accompanied by miracles, He is thus recognized as a Doctor of the Church and "The Wonder Worker."  When word spread that he was on his way to a town to preach, businesses would close and all would gather to hear him; as a result, many a conversion took place. Even in his own life, his "evolution" from an Augustinian Friar in his native Portugal, to his becoming a Franciscan in Italy, reveals how God's call works very much in the framework of our daily lives. In Anthony's case, when the relics of Franciscan Martyrs came to Lisbon, he was moved to want to carry on their work, and headed for Moslem territory in Africa, but illness and  Shipwreck turned his course to Sicily and eventually to Assisi where he met St. Francis, and decided to "leave all" to follow him.  By "chance" he was called upon to preach where his eloquence and conviction earned him the mandate from Francis himself to devote himself to preaching. In only 11 short years, he had become a Force that confronted indifferent and hostile hearts and brought them to Jesus. May he not only continue to find our lost objects, but help us find our way to a deeper friendship with Jesus.  St. Anthony, pray for us!
Bro. Rene

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