Monday, June 22, 2020

The Perennnial Beam

Jesus again addresses our tendency to judge others, usually rashly and harshly, reminding us of the BEAM in our own eye as we concentrate on the splinter in the eye of the person we are judging. (Mt 7:1-5). We are blind to our own faults, which are often what we see in others.  So many times, when listening to the criticism of others, we want to say, "Hey, what about you?  You are the same way."  We need to say that to ourselves before we lower the beam (boom) on others.  It takes practice, reflection and concentration, to be able to do so, that's why quiet daily self-examination is necessary.  It's a good idea to take a good look at ourselves at the end of each day and see where we stand with our beam(s)!
Bro. Rene

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