Tuesday, June 30, 2020

Keeping Jesus Near

 Note: I was  detained in the hospital for tests and observation after discovering that I was dehydrated from Thursday till Monday afternoon.  Nothing serious was found so I've gotten the green light to begin my life again,  It was all a surprise, so I had no way to inform you.  Am glad to be back.

Today we read the familiar story of the storm on the Sea of Galillee and the sleeping Jesus. (Mt: 23-27) Needless to say, stormy winds are blowing across our planet as we experience a reduced caliber of life due to the Virus and political unrest.  The winds are blowling fiercely and we know not where to turn.  We've been forced into "captivity" somewhat and our patience and endurance have been stretched further than we ever thought possible.  Yet we are "making it", one day at a time, and, I hope, are realizing that although it may seem that Jesus is asleep in the boat, he's not, but it waiting for us to realize our dependence on him and to call him for all that we are worth.  We cannot do this alone, as we are finding out; this is a call to turn to Jesus as the disciples did and pray, "Lord, save us! We are perishing." (Mt 8: 25). 
Bro. Rene

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