Tuesday, June 2, 2020

Render To God

In their attempt to "trap" Jesus, the Pharisees took a big risk when they asked him about paying the Roman tax,  If he said, yes, he would be supporting the foreign oppressors; if no, he would be in violation of the law.  Jesus effectively avoided the dilemma, asking for a coin, which surprisingly the Pharisees produced, and pointing to the image on the coin, told them to "Render to Caesare what was his, and to God, what was his.(Mk 12: 17)
Raising this to a spiritual level, we might ask whose image is on the coin of our souls, and admitting, "God's image", then our task is to give to God all that he has given us. which is plenty, from family to faith, to health, friends, talents, and gifts...When we look at all this, we cannot but be overwhelmed.  What small price to return these gifts to God by sharing them lavishly with others as he has done with us?
Bro. Rene

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