Friday, June 19, 2020

Heart To Heart

We celebrate the Solemnity of the Most Sacred Heart of Jesus, a feast highlighting the immense andn boundless love Jesus has for us. The image of the Sacred Heart portrays a loving figure of Jesus, full of tenderness and love, a love emphasized by his exposed heart on his breast, encircled with a crown of thorns and topped with a burning flame surrounding a cross.  It's the heart of one who burns with love, but also has suffered in bringing that love to us.  It's a reminder that no matter how real and ardent love is, there is always an element of pain and suffering, and surely most evident in the love Jesus has for us.  Yet, he does not hold back, but invites us without ceasing to come to him with our labors and burdens to find rest and refreshment as we take upon ourselves his yoke and burden. (cf. Mt 11: 28-29). May we take some time today to find refuge in those loving arms, to allow the heart of Jesus to touch ours,  and return that burning love as best we can through our love of our neighbor.
Bro. Rene

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