Sunday, February 9, 2020

Salty and Light-Giving

In this short passage from Matthew, 5:13-16, Jesus packs a wallop of a challenge with two powerful metaphors:  salt and light..."You are the salt of the earth....You are the light of the world." (Mt 5: 13, 14).  Salt puts "bite" into our food, sharpens its natural flavors and stimulates our taste buds.  With out it, our foods is flat and bland.  Without vibrant, courageous, "salty" living of our faith, it too remains flat and bland.  this is not the practice of the faith that is going to bring light to others,  to illumine their hearts and paths and make God's love desirable.  Darkness will continue.  No, our faith, our love,  must be VISIBLE, not hidden under the bushel basket of silence, routine or mediocrity.  It must be salty with conviction and determination, and bright with confidence and love. Our light, our love, can surely make faith salty, desirable, and as challenging to others as Jesus's words are to us. May I hear and act on my mission to be salt and light. If I don't who will? 
Bro Rene

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