Sunday, February 2, 2020

A Double Celebration

Today we observe two celebrations:  the ancient Presentation of the Lord, (Candlemass Day) and the newer World Day for Consecrated Life.  The former dates back to the fourth century and marks the purification of Mary and the consecration of her Son to God.  Mary did not need "purification" for she was conceived sinless, but humbly complied with the Law.  Neither did Jesus need consecration to God, for he IS God, but again, humbly followed the dictates of the Law of Moses.  The Old Man, Simeon, who had been awaiting the promised Messiah, proclaimed him the a "light for revelation to the Gentiles,/ the glory for your people Israel." (Lk 2: 32 )  He also blessed Mary and Joseph warning them that the child would be destined for the rise and fall of many, a sign that would be contradicted, and that a sword of sorrow would pierce the heart of Mary. (Lk 2: 34).  Anna, a widow who spent her life in prayer in the Temple, gave thanks God and spoke about the child as the one who would save his people.  All of which came true.
This is a fitting day to celebrate those who have consecrated their lives exclusively to the service of God as light to the people of God, and a visible sign of God's presence among them.  It is a day to thank God that people can still devote themselves entirely to spreading the light of Christ, and it is a time to pray for others to join them. And, oh, yes, it is Super Bowl Sunday, somehow far less significant than these other Super Events!
Bro. Rene

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