Saturday, February 8, 2020

Resting In Jesus

We can imagine the conversation, the animation, the joy, the wonder as the apostles reported to Jesus "all they had done and taught." (Mk 6:30).  But, like a good parent or a good coach, Jesus knew that this :"high" would not, could not last, so he told them to come away with him, away from the clamoring crowds and rest for awhile.  They were so besieged that they didn't even have time to eat.. So, a place away from this was the only answer, if they were to sustain the energy needed to continue their mission., Yet even this didn't work for long, as the people found them and swamped them again for healing and the teachings that would satisfy their longings.  Jesus, whose heart was moved with pity for them, complied to their needs and began to teach them. (cf. Mk 6:29-34).
In our own lives, the needs of others, our families, colleagues, friends, sometimes even strangers, pull us away from our rest and solitude, but as Jesus found the strength because of the love in his heart, we too, out of love can do the same.  Love is the most powerful source of energy and :"supply" in the world, especially the love of and for God.  Balance is important, but acting through God's love is key.
Bro Rene

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