Thursday, February 13, 2020

God Honors Our Desires

Our readings today highlight God's heeding our desires:  Solomon, the once wisdom-gifted and faithful king of Israel, fell into idolatry and built a place of worship for the idol Molech. God appeared to him twice to remonstrate him and urge him not to follow a strange god.  Solomon refused,  God Answered:  "Since this is what you want, and have not kept my covenant and my  statues, which I enjoined on you, I will deprive you of the kingdom and give it to your servant." (1 Kgs 11:11).
On the other hand, the Syrophoencian woman made her desire for the cure of her possessed daughter clear as she insisted so strongly that Jesus complied with her wish.  (Mk 7: 24-30).  There's an old adage that says, "Be careful what you wish for, lest it come true." (Aesop's Fables)  May we choose the path of this faith-filled woman and not that of Solomon.
Bro. Rene

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