Monday, February 24, 2020

Increase My Faith

How often do we find ourselves in the same boat as the father of the boy possessed with a demon, in that we've prayed and prayed, but not have had an answer?  (Mk 9:14-29).  Even the disciples could not chase the demon, so that they too qualified as a "faithless generation." If they, how much more we?  Jesus expressed his frustration and anger with them, "how long will I be with you? . How long will I endure you?" Humbly, the father admits his lack of faith and presents HIS need to Jesus:  "I do believe, help my unbelief!"  Yes, "Everything is possible to one who has faith." (Mk 9:23).  Perhaps our most important goal for this Lent would be an increase of faith.  Looking back a few years and seeing the patterns in our life, we can see where God has been leading us. He's always been there guiding us, caring for us.  It's time to turn ourselves over in trust, ask for an increase of faith, and BELIEVE that God will grant it.
Bro.  Rene

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