Tuesday, February 25, 2020

As Children

As the media plays up and helps to commercialize the celebration on the last day before Ash Wednesday, as it does with Christmas, Valentine's Day, St. Patrick's Day, and Ester, (to name a few),
we can easily lose sight of the purpose of "Fat Tuesday," Mardi Gras, also called Carnivale in Europe and Latin American counties.  It was a day of heightened awareness that since a meatless Ash Wednesday, and, in the "old" days, fasting, penance and almsgiving were to follow for the ne 40 days,  it was time to eat to the full.  Now, parades, beads, heavy drinking and carte-blanche license a la New Orleans, is becoming more and more the norm.
The gospel for this day, mentions none of the above, but speaks about the impending death and resurrection, and the need to avoid seeking the first place, but rather, to receive Jesus as would a child, without fear, without guile or pretense. (Mk 9: 30-37).  The extravagance of excessive Mardi Gras exuberance has but a small place in the larger picture of service to Jesus and one another. May we use this day to prepare for Lent as would a child for his or her first scooter or tricycle.
Bro. Rene

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