Tuesday, May 14, 2019

Intimacy With Jesus

This week and those following up till The Ascension, we will be reading from St. John's Last Supper Discourse, perhaps the warmest, most tender words in the entire New Testament.  No other religion presents such an intimate relationship between "the Godhead' and his creatures. Jesus speaks unabashedly of his love for his friends, of how he chose them, and how he expects them to bear fruit and love one another. (cf. Jn 15: 9-17).  He spoke not only to those gathered around the table with him, but to us as well.  He is grateful for us, delights in our love and stops at no boundary to express and show us his.  We need to ponder this more, use our relationship with our spouse or intimate friend to realize what he is saying. The feelings  commitment that bind us with one another are similar to those the bind us to Jesus, but also so much more, for we are talking about the Source of Love, the Infinite Love that no words can adequately describe.  This is the ONE who offers that everlasting and intimate love to us.  What power and joy that gives us!  May we open our hearts to receive it, return it and share it with ALL.
Bro. Rene

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