Thursday, May 16, 2019


Just after washing the feet of the Disciples at the Last Supper, Jesus warned them that his betrayal was close at hand,  that his followers should expect opposition but those who receive him will receive the one who sent him. (cf. Jn 13:16-20).   A mixture of good news and bad news.  Opposition and betrayal are obvious, but indifference, absence of passion, as subtle as it might be, is as painful to watch or experience.  Teachers, parents, those who try to pass on the faith, struggle in every age to engage their children and students with Jesus and pass on faith in him to them.  One wants to shake them into consciousness, to make them aware of the LIFE that is possible with a relationship with Jesus.  Not so easy to stir their hearts.  Judas spent three years with Jesus, and betrayed him; Peter denied him.  God never gives up on us; we can't give up on those entrusted to our care.  Let us pray for those who walk in darkness that God's light, even through our feeble efforts, might reach them.
Bro. Rene

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