Friday, May 3, 2019

Greater Than These

As we celebrate the feast of Saints Philip and James, Apostles, we tune in to the Last Supper and the final words of Jesus to his Apostles. Philip asked Jesus to show them the Father, assuring him that they would then be satisfied. (cf. Jn 14:8).  Similarly we ask Jesus for direction in our lives, success in our work, or the solution to a problem, with the proviso: "and I won't ask for anything else."  Even though Jesus assures us that we will do greater works than he performed (cf. Jn 14: 12) and that anything we ask he will grant (cf. Jn 14: 13), we are never satisfied. Oh, how we need to deepen our faith, really believe and follow Jesus, the Way, the Truth and the Life.  When we do, we find that yes, we are doing things far beyond our natural capabilities, because he is working within us and through us. The more we become like him, the greater things we will do. Let us ask for that deeper faith, die to the selfishness that blocks us from giving our lives totally to him, and boldly act in his name.
Bro. Rene

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