Monday, March 14, 2016

Three Women

Our readings today provide us with two women, both accused of adultery; one actually caught "in the very act".  Susannah protested her innocence even on the way to her execution and putting her trust in God's justice and mercy, was exonerated through  the faith and fortitude of the young Daniel.
The woman taken in adultery, whom we saw yesterday,  found her freedom in the mercy and forgiveness of Jesus himself.  A third woman who is honored today, Matilda, Queen of Germany was accused by her sons of being "too generous" and exiled until later forgiven and allowed to return to the kingdom.  Three women from far different eras, maligned and misjudged, but set free through the mercy of God.
The lesson for us is that no matter how bad we are judged by others, if we trust God,  our innocence will be protected through his mercy working in the hearts of people. "I sought the Lord and he answered me; from all my terrors he set me free." (Ps 34:5)
Bro Rene

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