Monday, March 21, 2016

The Anointing

Only six days before the Passover, Jesus was honored by a dinner at the home of his friends, Lazarus, Martha and Mary. When Mary, with a heart full of love, courageously and generously anointed the feet of Jesus with a costly, perfumed oil, she, without knowing it until Jesus defended her,  was previewing his burial.  She provoked criticism from Judas, whose practical concern for the poor seemed noble until we were told he had no concern for them, but was a thief who stole from community funds. This is the Mary who sat listening to Jesus, while her sister Martha was busy about preparing a meal on another occasion.  Again, Mary's priorities were focused on Jesus, and again he commended her. The house was filled with the fragrance from the oil, but also with the fragrance of her fearless love.  To this day as this Gospel is read, that fragrance lingers and continues to inspire us to adopt her courage, her ability to act from her heart despite the criticism of others, and her all-consuming, unconditional  love of Jesus. How will we act today after reflecting on this scene?  Whose feet will we anoint?  Whose hand will we hold?   Whose conversation will we listen to?
Whose thirst will we satisfy?  Mary of Bethany, pray for us that our hearts might be filled with courageous love, even in the ordinary exchanges we have with others today.
Bro. Rene

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