Saturday, March 12, 2016

Jesus Is The Solution

A quick look at Yahoo news items that appear when we attempt to read our e-mail convinces us that things are a mess:  our world, our shrinking set of values, the future.  Worse, when we look at ourselves, we find a mess as well. St. Paul summed it up in his famous verse from Romans: "I do not do the good I want, but the evil I do not want is what I do." (Rm 7:19).  Try as we might to find excuses for our behavior, fatigue, social pressures, or too much TV, it doesn't work.  The real reason, is our wounded nature that gravitates toward the easy, reachable pleasures that are rooted in sin:  the opposite of what God's will and good order demand.  Our sinfulness is the cause of our mess. What is the solution?  Or better, WHO is the solution?  Jesus. 
We have been attempting to learn more about him, spend more time with him, give ourselves over to him during Lent.  All the more reason for seeing him as the solution:  He took upon himself our bruises and by his bruises we are healed. (Is 53:5). He died on the cross for our sins and rose to assure us there is hope, there is salvation.  There is no other way to undo the mess than to allow Jesus full reign in our lives, to follow him as closely as we can, to put our trust and love into his hands and heart and submit our weaknesses and our strengths to him.
Bro. Rene

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