Wednesday, March 30, 2016

Hearts Afire

When the two disciples walking along the road to Emmaus recognized Jesus in "the breaking of the bread" (Lk 24:35), they also realized how their hearts had burned when he was talking with them and opening up the Scriptures for them. (cf. Lk 24: 22).  They couldn't wait to tell the others so they returned to Jerusalem at once, finding that the Eleven already knew of the resurrection because Jesus had appeared to Simon Peter. (Lk 24:24 )  Yes, we can understand that this was NEWS, even despite the predictions of Jesus that he would rise on the third day, but so much like us, they doubted, were slow to believe, or were so taken up with his death that they forgot his words. So, it's no wonder their hearts were burning when he spoke to them.
2000 years later, do our hearts burn with that same enthusiasm? The logical place for our Emmaus encounter with Jesus is at Mass, when we hear two passages of Scripture and, in the homily, an explanation, and then we share in the breaking of the bread.  
St. Marcellin's goal for his followers was a deeper knowledge and love of Jesus, so as Marists we have a special calling to embrace the Mass with the innocent attention and enthusiasm of these two disciples and to spread our experience to others through our words and actions.  Dear Jesus help me to approach the Mass with freshness and eagerness and joyfully live the Mass so that I might cause the hearts of others to burn with enthusiasm and joy.
Bro. Rene

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