Saturday, February 19, 2011

Simple Prayers

Sometimes, when we feel "the well has run dry", the card is blank, or our burdens too heavy, it's time to turn to the simple prayers, such as, "Jesus, I love you." "My God, I love you." "Jesus, have mercy on me." Jesus, forgive me." "Thank you, Jesus." The purpose of prayer is to put us into peaceful contact with God, not necessarily to pray for the needs of everyone we can think of, or come hell or high water, to "put in" a certain amount of time each day in prayer. These reasons are not to be denied or eschewed, but if they are causing stress, or are not leaving us with a sense of belonging to God, then, they are defeating the purpose of prayer. Contact with God through prayer should leave us peaceful, stable, assured, trusting, and loving. So much so, that even without words, people see those qualities in us, and receive from us these gifts. Quiet time before the Lord, with the Lord, repetition of these simple prayers will give us the calm and serenity that comes as a grace. Let us not be anxious, but let us be filled with the love and power that only God can give.
Bro. Rene

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