Saturday, February 26, 2011

Expanding Our Love

"If anyone wants to go to law with you over your tunic, hand him your cloak as well. Should anyone press you into service for one mile, go with him for two miles." (Mt 5: 40-41). When we abide by the prescriptions of our job description, we are deemed "a good worker." When we go beyond that minimum, putting in extra hours, sacrificing our own time to accomplish more than what is required, we win admiration and the possibility of a raise, or a promotion. What Jesus is suggesting here is that we "go the extra mile" not only for our neighbor, or for those who cannot return the favor, but even for those who have wronged us. When we give beyond our natural inclinations, or in a sense, sacrifice the free use of our time and talent, and do so for the love of God, we are expanding our capacity to experience God's love and deal it out to others in a way that mirrors God's everlasting and unconditional kindness and compassion. It is the kind of love that forgives wrongs, and as with the martyrs, enables us to pray for those who persecute or deal unjustly with us. It is the kind of love that demands death to self-pity, self-centeredness, and fosters growth in our ability not only to endure the unfairness of others, but as with St. Francis, to find joy in these circumstances. It contradicts the mind-set of the world, and blends with the expansive love of Jesus which brought him to the cross and enables all who choose to follow him that far, to share in the redemption of humanity. "Lord Jesus, expand my heart to forget self and joy in whoever and whatever you send into my life, that my love may embrace them and be willing to "walk the extra mile with a smile." Amen.

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