Tuesday, February 1, 2011

Protect Us Lord

With perhaps the worst of the winter storms practially on top of us, and amidst cancellations and re-schedulings, we might take a few moments now to ask God to protect us from physical harm as well as the internal harm that anxiety, worry and haste, might do to us. Rushing to get this and that done "before it hits" can cause us to forget to be sensitive to our colleagues, family members, and neighbors, all of whom are feeling the same pressures as we. Picture a boat on the Sea of Gallilee being tossed about while Jesus was standing on the shore. When he saw predicament pf his disciples he knew that they were on the brink of panic, so he walked out onto the water towards them, adding to their fears for a moment, for they thought it was a ghost. Yes, when we are overly anxious and scared, how the imagination goes to work to blurr a clear vision of reality! We always imagine the worst. Jesus knows this, for he knows human nature better than we. He says to us as he said to the apostles, "Take courage, it is I, do not be afraid." (Mark 6: 50). He joined them in the boat and the winds died down. In our prayer, we need to allow Jesus to enter our "boat", and protect us, as only he can, from our inner turmoil.
Bro. Rene

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