Monday, February 28, 2011

Living With Limitations

Sometimes the awareness of our limitations leaps out at us almost to the point of crushing us. We cringe when we realize that our limitations are part of who we are, and cannot be hidden. Sometimes they are as glaringly apparent in the eyes of others as their faults are to us, who have been criticizing them in our own minds. When they throw our faults back to us, we cannot but feel humbled, almost helpless, and perhaps even near depression. "After all these years, I'm still what I was years ago. Hasn't there been any progress?" We ask ourselves this question, we punish ourselves. we get lost in our poverty. As Pascal said, There is an "impatience with one's limitations", a desire to flee from them. But, we must learn from them, we must be humbled by them and bring them to God in prayer, for prayer helps us to become that person of integrity, that real person we hope to be, that we thought we were. Prayer cleanses us from our false image and helps us realize that only God can cleanse us and make us authentic. He sent his Son to free us from our delusions about ourselves, and make us real. Facing our limitations is a means toward growth, toward wholeness. As painful as it is, may we not shy away from our brokenness, but rather, welcome it as the invitation to Jesus to heal us.
Bro. Rene

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