Sunday, November 21, 2010

Christ The King

In 1925, Pope Pius XI established the Feast of Christ the King on the last Sunday of the liturgical year as a reminder that unless total allegiance be given to Jesus Christ, there would never be peace. The "War to end all Wars" in which millions died, was proof that weaponry and war would not bring about a lasting peace. Worse, a growing skepticism, secularism and materialism, even then, demanded a re-focusing of attention on Jesus. Sad to say, the world in general is still, if not alarmingly, "out of focus", and the need to turn to Jesus is stronger than ever.
A king is a leader, one who inspires and who by his strong faith in God and in those whom he serves, wins their loyalty and willingness to follow whatever he asks. "The King of the Jews" (Lk 23: 36) wore a crown of thorns on the cross, a crown willingly accepted to expiate our sins. Now, risen and seated at the right hand of the Father, his crown is one of victory, a sign to us that his kind of leadership, based on love, and sacrifice, even of his own life, is the only path worth following.
As we prepare for Advent, let us look and see where our path is taking us. Are we straying, in little things? In big things? Are we providing loving, self-sacrificing leadership in our families, our work place, in our circle of friends? Is Jesus the center of our family life? Are family prayer, grace before meals, weekly Mass attendance, regular confession part given their proper place? Are we planning to observe Advent with an Advent wreath, special prayer, reading, reflection on the place of Emmanuel, God-With-Us during the four weeks? If today we hail Christ as our King, let our actions back up our words.
Bro. Rene

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