Monday, November 29, 2010

Advent Mission

Day two of Advent and a beautiful day. The purple vestments and ribbons at church need not be signs of gloom, though they are reminders of the penitential aspect of Advent. Penance that comes from waiting, patience, preparing, spending time in silence and prayer. But the sunshine reminds us that joy can and must underlie the season, for we are anticipating the arrival of the Savior, announced by the angels as "tidings of great joy" (Lk 2:10) as well as our personal encounter with God at the end of our lives, and finally, THE FINAL COMING of Jesus at the end of time. These latter two will be at times as yet unknown, but the former, of course, is December 25th, giving us almost four full weeks of joyful preparation. Joy does not always mean laughter and high energy, but a deep abiding sense of peace and contentment that outer circumstances cannot waiver or sway. Let us take the time we spend in the car, walking up the stairs, cooking supper, whatever, and in silence touch base with the joy within us, and when we speak, spread it to others. An easy Advent Mission.
Bro. Rene

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