Monday, November 8, 2010

Ascending God's Mountain

The Psalmist asks, "Who can ascend the mountain of the Lord?/or who may stand in his holy place?"(Ps 24: 3), What would be my answer? Would I see myself worthy? He gives the straightforward answer: "Only those whose hands and hearts are pure,/ who do not worship idols/ and never tell lies" (Ps 24: 4). Our actions, the works of our hands and feet, our inner thoughts, our attitudes, our desires, our loves, all must be pure and transparent. No idols. What are my idols? Self? Power, money, control? Honesty, no lies...a hard lesson in these days when lying and hypocrisy are so rampant. Anyone who has climbed a mountain knows the challenges, the fatigue, the times when it seems we'll never reach the summit. But oh, the exhilaration of reaching the top: the view, the sense of accomplishment, the desire to dance with joy! Even more so, ascending this path laid out by the Psalmist which leads to the summit of God. Not to be achieved in one day, but the climb of our lifetime. May we re-focus on it today and not stray from the path.
Bro. Rene

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