Saturday, April 3, 2010


Ideally, this "in-between day" should be one of less activity, silence and pondering. As devotees of Marist spirituality, pondering has a special place with us as it did with "our Good Mother." What was she pondering this day after witnessing with rapid speed the condemnation and cruel death of her Son? Did she think back to Gabriel's visit and invitation, her yes, the fast years following to the pathetic moment when she held the body of Jesus in her lap at the foot of the cross?
Can I find some time today to look back, even just as far back as Ash Wednesday as a starter, and see what Lent has done for me? Am I closer to Jesus now than I was then? Is there something that I began that I can continue in the days ahead? Am I more loving, tolerant, understanding of my neighbor? Whom do I see as my "neighbor"? Can I this day, be a comfort to Mary, or to someone who believes that they have hit the bottom and have no way out? Can I offer them the faith and trust that Mary had that "somehow this will all work out?"
This evening we will be celebrating the resurrection; we know "the rest of the story", but the question is, "Does my life, do my actions reflect this fact?" I invite each one of us to ponder these things in our hearts.
Bro. Rene

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