Monday, April 19, 2010

Patriot's Day

A new poll shows that 80% of Americans do not trust the government. Shocking and sad. 227 years ago, men who were fed up with the government fired the first shot of revolt to disentangle themselves from what they considered oppressive and began what was intended to be a republic where "life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness, our inalienable rights" could be pursued freely and peacefully. Benjamin Franklin warned, however, that the founding Fathers gave us "a republic, if you can keep it." He was aware that our flawed human nature would start voting itself new "rights" at the expense of other citizens. It seems he was right and people are now awakening to the mounting reality that what the Patriots fought for is beginning to disintegrate.
As we in Massachusetts celebrate this day with SALES and the Boston Marathon, let us also reflect on our past, the generations who have sought and fought to maintain our ideals. During these days of meditation on the resurrection let us pray for ourselves, our leaders of church and state, that we may keep our eyes on the dignity inherent in each of us, and of the precious price of freedom from the oppression of sin and of one another, that Christ's Victory has won for us. There is a strong connection between what he did, what we believe and the way we live. It seems to me there would be less fragmentation if there were more unity of all of these in Christ.
Bro. Rene

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