It seems we are always picking up the pieces and putting Humpty-Dumpty together again. Such is the nature of our fallen world, one which deviated from the plan of God and chose a path centered on self rather than on God. The first man and woman, made that choice, and were sent out of a perfect world into one fragmented and shadowy. We were born into that condition, BUT because of God's enormous love, we were given another chance. "Christ became our paschal sacrifice.
"In him a new age has dawned,
the long reign of sin is ended,
a broken world hs been renewed,
and man is once again made whole" (Easter Preface IV).
That last phrase just leaps out in these days when we live in a world of tension between opposites, all stemming from the same choice faced by our first parents. Division abounds, countries, businesses vie for first place, human rights are trampled, marriages dissolve: scattered pieces everywhere. And in our own lives that endless dichotomy: "The good I wish to do, I do not, and that which I wish not to do, I do." (Rm 7:19).
No wonder we are celebrating Easter for 50 days, and "we praise God with greater joy than ever" because Christ has mended the division, given us the glue to put the pieces of our lives, and thus of the world, back together. We simply need to yield to God's plan: "This will of God is the love of the father. It is his loving will for the individual child of God; a living force that encourages and sustains, and affords the power to fulfill it." ( Msgr. Romano Guardini) Let us pray daily for an open heart and allow God to make us whole again.
Bro. Rene
Tuesday, April 27, 2010
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