Friday, May 22, 2020

The Pain And Joy Of Childbirth

Today we read of the comparison of life to the pain and joy of childbirth. (Jn 16:21). Labor times and pain levels seem to vary, but all agree that childbirth is not an easy process, but the joy of a new life, and a new personality entering the world overcome all the previous pain and anguish.
In recent months, the whole world has been in "labor", and the end does not seem visible in the near future. We carry on hour by hour, day by day in hope that life as we've known it will return.  We have just celebrated the Ascension and now pray for the Holy Spirit to come upon us as he did on that first Pentecost morning.  We wait in prayerful hope already anticipating the joy that only the Spirit can give. May we look to our own mothers or women about to give birth for assurance that the promise of the Spirit will be fulfilled.  Come, Holy Spirit, fill the hearts of your faithful.  Enkindle is us the fire of your love.
Bro. Rene

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