Monday, May 25, 2020

Take Courage

When the disciples assure Jesus that they "get it" and appreciate his plain, direct speech, he reminds them that they will abandon him (which the did), but he offers peace to them, reminds them of a life full of "trouble" ahead of them, and urges them to "take courage" because he has conquered the world. (Jn 16: 29, 32-33).  
We need this courage today as we in the United States attempt to honor those who served their country and gave their lives to preserve it's integrity on this Memorial Day of limited ceremonies and services.  It's not that we want to abandon them, but again the fear surrounding COVID-19, is limiting our activities. Jesus remains with them and us in his unfathomable love, and that's what counts.  We offer the following prayer as a sign of our gratitude and prayerful union with our deceased soldiers who gave the ultimate gift that we might live in freedom and in peace.
Bro. Rene
“All Powerful God,
We honor today those men and women—
Our sons and daughters,
Husbands and wives,
Fathers, brothers, sisters, mothers—
Who have laid down their life for their country.
Whether weary or emboldened, quiet or defiant,
Vulnerable or ready when You called them home,
Their sacrifice is too humbling for words
except these uttered in prayer.
Loving Lord, bless them forever in Your eternal peace…
Cherish their spirit, honor their commitment,
send them our love,
and will never forget the service that they gave.”

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