Thursday, May 21, 2020

Beyond Expectations

Picture the disconsolate Apostles on Good Friday, Jesus dead and buried, hope gone. Then the "surprise" of Easter morning:  the empty tomb, "He has risen"...Not really a surprise of they had listened when he predicted his death and resurrection, but still a new lease on life came to pass.  Now, as he takes leave of them, he assures them that he will be with US "until the end of the Age." (Mt 28:20).  In just more than a week, the Holy Spirit will come upon them, to guarantee this promise and to affirm that Good Friday has been forever reversed beyond expectation.
May this fortify our faith and dissolve the doubts that creep in when the proverbial "monkey wrench" gets thrown in our path.  It's meant to strengthen our faith, not weaken it.  When we look back at the events listed above, we can be sure that no mere "monkey wrench" will undo all of this. Hail and Halleluia to the Risen, Ascended Christ!
Bro. Rene

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