Sunday, October 14, 2018

The Next Level

When the rich young man asked Jesus what he had to do to inherit eternal life (cf. Mk 10:17-25), Jesus looked upon him with love and approval for his fidelity to the the commandments and challenged him to take the next step by selling his treasures, give the proceeds to the poor and follow him.  A BIG STEP...too steep, it turns out, for the man to accept.  He turns and goes sadly away.
At times, we who think we are doing our best to keep the commandments and lead a decent life, come to a similar point of desiring or being invited to step up to the next level, be it at our work, or church or community. Then we realize there are "things" in the way, habits, possessions, securities of multiple sorts, on which, consciously or unconsciously, we have come to depend.  Breaking away from them would require much, perhaps too much, and we squiggle to find an excuse to escape the challenge.  Are we condemned to remain where we are because we can't find the strength or courage to do more, or BE more?  If we go it alone, we just might remain in that comfortable rut, but with God's help, we can move to the next level.  When teetering on such a move, asking God  for the grace to help us make it will  help us do what we think is impossible. Without God, it IS impossible
Bro. Rene

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