Sunday, October 28, 2018

Pleading For Sight

today we hear the story of the blind Bartimaeus, (Mk 10:46-52) who did not hesitate to shout out his request to be cured of his blindness. He caused such a commotion that Jesus asked for him to be brought to him, and in a simple and direct exchange, Jesus granted him his sight.  How many people cry out daily for cures, how many do we pray for?  The need never ends.  Is there a secret as to why some are cured immediately and others not?  The answer lies in the mystery of God's will, but the lesson that Bartimaeus gives us is to put our request blatantly, and simply before God...yes, even to shout it out, acknowledging who Jesus is and in the faith that if it be the will of the Father, the cure will come.
Bro. Rene

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