Friday, October 12, 2018

Dealing With Demons

The discussion Jesus had with the crowd who accused him of driving out demons by the power of Beelzebul himself, (Lk 11:15-26) calls to mind our own dealing with demons, be they within or without.  In the shadows of our inner self, the demons work with astounding cunning to trip us into uncharitable, judgemental or lascivious thoughts which then pass our lips and become public, often leading others to chime in with us. Hence the world in which we live with so much tangible hatred provoking violence and shocking immoral behaviors from trusted governmental or institutional leaders.  But we don't have to look far beyond our own noses to find similar shocking words and behaviors. We pray "and deliver us from evil" each time we pray the Lord's Prayer, for good reason. Let us realize how much we need that prayer, and let us mean what we say.
Bro. Rene

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